How can I configure which wi-fi networks Player FM is active on?
You might have some wi-fi networks with limited bandwidth, such as your workplace or a mobile wi-fi hotspot served from another phone. In that case, you might want to "blacklist" the network on Player FM. While the app doesn't support this directly, you may configure it through your Android device's settings, as follows.
Firstly, identify the "blacklisted" networks:
- Visit Android Settings > Data usage (or Mobile data).
- Tap the overflow menu at the top-right corner (or menu button on some devices).
- Select [Mobile hotspots].
- Select the wi-fi networks where you want to restrict background data.
Then, make this setting apply to Player FM:
- In Android Settings, go back to the [Data usage] screen.
- Scroll down and select Player FM on the list.
- On the next screen, check [Restrict background data]. With these settings, the app will be not able to execute network calls while in background - no sync, no downloads.
Meanwhile, when you upgrade to any of our premium memberships, we've made the blacklisting (or even whitelisting) of wi-fi networks easier for you as this can now be configured directly in the app's download settings.