I want to control Player FM from apps like Tasker and IFTTT. What Android intents are supported?
Player FM supports the following intents:
For playback control
- fm.player.playback.play - play/resume
- fm.player.playback.pause - pause
- fm.player.playback.jumpforward - jump forward
- fm.player.playback.jumpback - jump back
- fm.player.playback.next - skip to next episode
- fm.player.playback.previous - skip back to previous episode
- fm.player.playback.stop - stop
- fm.player.playback.toggle - toggle play/pause state
For sync and download control
- fm.player.update.conditional - update app and respect connection settings, download episodes and respect download settings
- fm.player.update.unconditional - update app but ignore connection settings (e.g. if you set the app to update only on wi-fi, this intent will ignore it and update also on 3G), download episodes and respect download settings
- fm.player.download.unconditional - update app but ignore connection settings, download episodes but ignore download settings (e.g. if you set to download on wi-fi only or disable download, this intent will ignore it and download even on 3G)
These intents have to be sent to service. For instance, on Tasker, you need to set target to "service".