What apps/services does Player FM integrate with?
Player FM supports:
Drivemode. Conveniently control the player while driving through the Drivemode interface (displayed on your Android phone)
On the Drivemode app, simply go to the Music section and select Player FM. -
Google Talkback. Access the Player FM app more easily on your phone (implemented especially for vision-impaired users)
To enable Talkback, go to your device's Settings > General > Accessibility and switch it on. -
Music Boss for Android Wear. Control Player FM directly from your watch through Music Boss' interface
Open the Music Boss app on your phone and add Player FM to the app list. Connect the phone to your Wear device and run Music Boss, then choose Player FM to browse and play episodes from your subscriptions, downloads and Play Later. -
Podlove subscribe button. Easily subscribe to a series while on a mobile browser, with its widget found on several podcast websites
Upon tapping on the Podlove subscribe button, press [Choose app] and select Player FM. The app will then open and have you subscribed to the series. -
RockScout, by MirrorLink®. Control Player FM from your car’s dashboard by integrating your MirrorLink®-compatible phone and car infotainment system
Connect your phone to your car with MirrorLink®. After which, you’ll be able to see the Player FM icon on the RockScout portal (shown on the dashboard). Tap it and start listening to podcasts. -
Streamkeys. Control playback on the Player FM web app using your keyboard, even outside of the browser
Install Streamkeys Chrome extension, then open the Player FM website in a new tab and play your favorite podcasts. Even if you’re looking in another tab/window, you can still control the player by clicking on the [SK] icon found next to the URL bar. You can also control playback even if you’re away from Chrome using configured hotkeys. -
Subscribe on Android. Subscribe to podcasts with your Android device through a simple web link
Upon tapping on the [Subscribe on Android] link found on many podcast websites, select [Subscribe on Android] (with Player FM icon) from the selection that will appear. Player FM will then open and let you subscribe to the series. -
TeslaUnread. See counts of new and un-played episodes on the app's home screen icon.
To use this feature, you need to install TeslaUnread and custom launcherNova Launcher Prime. It will count un-played episodes from the last time Player FM was opened. The counter will be reset once the app is re-opened. -
Twitter. Make a podcast episode playable in your tweet
Add a Player FM episode link in your tweet and a player will be automatically embedded so anyone can play it without having to leave Twitter.