My system is running hot and my battery is draining faster than I'd like. Is it caused by Player FM?
Under default settings, Player FM is fairly conservative regarding battery and CPU usage. But if you are streaming a lot of content over 3G/4G, it will certainly consume significant resources. To keep usage low, make sure you don't play episodes showing "Stream" status. In Download Settings, you may wish to require "wi-fi and charging" for downloads instead of the default of just "wi-fi". If you're already following these guidelines and still seeing significant resource usage, don't hesitate to let us know by sending a report (Settings > Help > Contact us).
Meanwhile, another possible cause of excessive battery usage is a bug in the Android operating system (specifically, Android 5 and above), which is still not resolved yet. The bug indicates that if you use an app on mobile data and close it, the “mobile radio” (the hardware component used by devices for mobile internet) is never turned off, which then drains battery. For now, the only way to work around this is to restart the device or force-close the app.