Welcome to our guide on understanding how podcast analytics are reported from Player FM. To help you gain accurate insights into your clients' podcast performance, it’s crucial to understand how podcast actions can be attributed to our service. This article will explain the three user agents Player FM uses and how their data should be aggregated for accurate reporting.
User Agents in Player FM
Player FM tracks uses three distinct user agents. Each user agent corresponds to a different platform on which our service is available:
Player FM: This user agent is used by our web app
Player FM iOS: This user agent is used by our iOS app
Player FM Android: This user agent is used by our Android app
Aggregating Data for Analytics
To ensure a complete picture of a podcast's performance on Player FM, it’s essential to consider data from all three user agents. Here’s how:
Aggregating Plays and Downloads
Collect Data: Retrieve the number of plays, downloads, etc associated with each user agent (Player FM, Player FM iOS, Player FM Android)
Sum the Counts: Add the counts from each user agent to get the total number of actions
For example, if an episode has the following counts of plays and downloads:
Player FM: 100 plays, 50 downloads
Player FM iOS: 200 plays, 80 downloads
Player FM Android: 150 plays, 70 downloads
The total counts would be:
Total Plays: 100 + 200 + 150 = 450 plays
Total Downloads: 50 + 80 + 70 = 200 downloads
Reporting Performance Attributable to Player FM
When reporting podcast performance attributable to Player FM, ensure that you provide the aggregated data for each metric to reflect the total activity attributable to Player FM accurately. This ensures that the podcast's reach and engagement are fully represented.
Understanding how Player FM uses user agents is key to gaining accurate insights into a podcast’s performance attributable to Player FM. By summing the data from our three user agents—Player FM, Player FM iOS, and Player FM Android—hosting platforms and podcast analytics companies can get a comprehensive view of podcast activity on our platform. We hope this guide helps in effectively analyzing and reporting podcast analytics attributable to Player FM.