The podcast shows an error and it doesn't show the latest episode
When our server fails to fetch updates from the show's feed, this may result in an error. Fetching fails when the feed becomes inaccessible, i.e., it's been taken down by the publisher, or the publisher's server is currently down.
Please check your current settings and internet connection, as it might prevent the app from retrieving updates. First, please ensure your connection is stable and that your device's latest version of our app is installed. Then go to Settings > Connection and verify how the Network settings are configured there. Please also make sure [Force offline] is disabled in Settings, and check if disabling [Show downloaded only] or enabling [Show played] lets you see the latest episodes.
You can also try to open the series screen and pull the screen down to get updates straight to your phone in seconds. If this doesn't work, you can check if the RSS feed of the series is correct. To check the series feed, access its detail screen, tap on the 3-dot menu next to the search icon, then select [Links...] > [Series RSS feed].
Please get in touch with us through the app, or feel free to reach us at if we need to update the RSS feed.