What permissions does Player FM for Android require, and why?
We're not interested in declaring a laundry list of permissions. Each new permission we add requires a careful cost-benefit analysis to ensure it genuinely adds value to your experience and it will only be used for the stated purpose.
For Android 6.0 and later, no permissions are required by default. Some are added on demand. For earlier versions of Android, we are only able to request permissions upfront. Below are details on the permissions the app is using.
This permission is especially for logging in with Google+. Player FM only retrieves the user's e-mail address and doesn't need any other contact information aside from that. Furthermore, when you log in with Google for the first time, you can opt to deny accessing this other information (e.g. list of people in your circles, age range and language), and the app will still be completely functional.
Manage Phone State
We added this permission when we added the much-requested setting to keep playing during notification sounds and navigation directions. Enabling that setting is great, but unfortunately it means playback continues during a phone call too. So we have to request this permission in order to detect when phone calls start and end. Here's a programming reference about this permission: "This is why apps like Pandora, Spotify, etc need the permission - so they can mute themselves when you get a call."
This is necessary to read and write podcasts on connected USB drives.
Wi-fi connection information
This is necessary for Chromecast integration.
Device ID & call information
This is necessary to stop playback during phone calls, for users who have added the setting to keep playing during notifications and navigation commands.
Run at startup - Running in the background after your phone boots ensures your shows can be downloaded and ready for you to play anytime. Pair with Bluetooth devices - Play on Bluetooth headphones and speakers. Full network access - Download and stream podcasts. View network connections - Start/stop playing as you move between wi-fi and cellular, according to your preferences. Prevent device from sleeping - Keep playback going.