What hardware does Player FM integrate with? (e.g. Chromecast, Android Wear)
The app supports:
- Android Auto. Browse episodes from your car's dashboard
After connecting the phone to your car, tap on the music (headphone) icon found at the bottom part of your Android Auto device's screen. Then select Player FM to access the player and start browsing content. - Android Wear. Browse episodes on your wrist
With your Android Wear watch, simply say "OK Google", then mention "Run Player FM" to view episodes from your subscriptions, downloads and Play Later. - Chromecast. Fling episodes to your TV
Once your Chromecast device is connected to your TV and to the same wi-fi your phone uses, tap on the Chromecast logo that will appear at the top-right portion of Player FM, then start casting. - Samsung Gear S. Check notifications from your Samsung Gear wearable device
When there's a notification from Player FM on your phone, it will also be automatically displayed on your Samsung Gear watch. - LG QuickCircle™. Quickly access Player FM on your QuickCircle-supported LG smartphone
Go to your device's Settings > General, and make sure that [QuickCircle case] is enabled. After which, go to the [Select apps] option and include Player FM. From there, you'll be able to view the app on a small portion of your phone's screen with cover closed.