Player FM: Activating your affiliate purchase
After completing your purchase on an affiliate site, you will be presented with a License Code and a button to proceed to the next step. Here are instructions to guide you once you arrive at our page.
Steps To Activate
- Click the Redemption Link from your purchase site to navigate to the Player FM page. If you are having trouble with the provided link, try this one.
Note: If you already have an account, log into your account before redeeming your code. - Enter your License Code in the promotion code box and tap Apply. Ignore any other purchase options for customers who are not redeeming codes.
- A Redeem button will replace the purchase options. Tap it to proceed.
- Next, create your account.
Remember these credentials; they are necessary to activate premium features in Player FM.
- Check your inbox for an Activation Email from If it’s not in your inbox, check your spam folder. Can’t find it? Don’t worry—within the email, you’ll find a link to download Player FM from the App Store, or you can use one of the following links:
- Upon opening the app for the first time, after the app permission prompts, you'll be asked to create a Player FM account. This account is distinct from your account. This step is necessary to use the app but not related to premium feature activation. Press “Create Account” to set up your Player FM account, which eventually leads to the Settings and the Activate options becoming available. Additionally, you can continue as a guest.
If you already have a Player FM account, you do not need to create a new account on this step. Simply log in with your existing account and continue.
- As part of the app's on-boarding process, you will see several personalization screens with questions to tailor your experience. Feel free to take your time with these; you can continue the activation process whenever you're ready. Alternatively, you have the option to skip the personalization questions and return to them later.
- You will also be presented with an upgrade page detailing the app's premium features. Tap the "SKIP" in the upper-right corner of the screen to bypass this, you have already paid for these features.
- After you are through the app's on-boarding screens, tap the Gear Icon in the lower-right corner to access the Settings menu.
- In the Settings Menu, tap the Activate button.
- Enter your account credentials to activate your premium features.
- After activation, a confirmation message will appear. Enjoy using Player FM and its features!
Redeeming Multiple License Codes
To successfully redeem multiple license codes, follow these straightforward steps:
Create Your Account: As you redeem your first license code, you will be prompted to create an account. Complete this step to set up your account.
Redeem Additional Codes: For each subsequent license code, use the redemption link provided on the purchase site.
Consolidate Your Subscriptions: All redeemed subscriptions will automatically be added to the account you initially created. This ensures that all your licenses are managed under a single account for easy access and management.
I didn't receive my Activation Email. What should I do?
If you don't receive your Activation Email, first check your Spam folder. Can't find it? Download Player FM directly from the App Store or the Google Play Store and proceed from step #6.
Which credentials should I use in the app on the Activate page?
Use the email and password you set up on the page. If unsure, refer to the screenshots in Step #4.
Can I my activate my premium features on the Player FM web page?
Yes, you can activate your premium features on the Player FM webpage. Simply click on the hamburger menu located in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then select "Activate" After that, continue with Step 11 from the previous instructions.
How do I know which support to contact? support or support from the site where I purchased the offer?
- For issues redeeming your offer or receiving your License Code, contact the purchase site. Look for a Support link in your purchase confirmation or invoice.
- If you have your License Code but encounter problems afterwards, contact us in the app through Profile Menu > Settings > Contact Us.
I got my License Code from my affiliate purchase, but then I lost my place. How do I proceed?
Navigate to the Player FM code redemption page or start again from Step #1.
Why does the page show a monthly price and a Buy button? I already paid for the app.
You won't need to worry about payment here. The Buy button is simply a step towards using your License Code.
I used the Apple option to create my account and now I can't activate my premium features in the app.
Using the "Hide my Email" option with an Apple account might impact account creation. Use the Private Relay Email Address created for the account. For more details, visit the Apple Support page.