Restoring Purchases in Player FM
If you previously purchased a premium membership for Player FM but are now having trouble accessing the features you paid for, please follow these steps to try to restore it.
- Make sure that you are logged in to the Player FM account that is associated with your premium membership. You can verify that you are logged in to the correct account if you are able to see the Learn about Premium option in Settings instead of Upgrade to Premium. In most cases, this should resolve the issue.
- If the issue persists, perform the steps below depending on the platform you are using and where you purchased your premium membership:
- If you made the purchase through Google Play and you are using our Android app, go to Settings and access Upgrade to Premium. This should auto-verify your premium membership.
- If you made the purchase through Apple and you are using our iOS app, go to Settings > Upgrade to Premium and tap on Restore. On the next screen, hit the Restore button.
- For any other cases (e.g. if you made the purchase on our web app, etc.), please contact support for further assistance and forward to us the receipt of your premium membership.