Why does Player FM show up on my security checker/antivirus app?
From time to time, utilities like AVG may flag Player FM as a security risk. We assure to our users that our app is safe and secure. The following are possible causes as to why antiviruses may generate a warning on Player FM:
- The antivirus is not up to date. In this case, please make sure you have its latest version.
- It could be that some of the podcast series display content with explicit shownotes or malicious codes. These should be harmless as we don’t execute them as code, yet we see how some security scanners might think otherwise.
- Excessive resources. A podcast app typically uses a lot more bandwidth and storage than other apps, so the security checker may flag it for attention. Should you encounter this issue, we suggest contacting the support team of your security app. You may also report to us by going via Settings > Help > [Contact us].