- Player FM - Why does playback stop when the phone is locked? (Huawei/Honor devices)
- Player FM - If the app reaches the last episode of a playlist, will playback stop?
- Player FM - I want to control Player FM from apps like Tasker and IFTTT. What Android intents are supported?
- Player FM - Why is the app using mobile data when my settings are all set to Wi-Fi?
- Player FM - How can I sync my Play Later list between several devices and the web?
- Player FM - The lock screen controls are limited. How can I see more controls?
- Player FM - How do I use the My Media playlist?
- Player FM - How can I see what I've played?
- Player FM - How can I increase/decrease play speed?
- Player FM - Can I sync play position and played status between different devices and the web?
- Player FM - How can I choose what plays in continuous-play mode?
- Player FM - Why can't I play a downloaded episode?
- Player FM - Why did my podcast stop playing? I didn't touch anything