Installing and Uninstalling
- Player FM - How do I delete the app from my device?
- Player FM - Can I get an older version of the Player FM app?
- Player FM - I don't have Google Play. Can I still install the app on my phone?
- Player FM - How do I switch language on Player FM?
- Player FM - What permissions does Player FM for Android require, and why?
- Player FM - Why does Player FM show up on my security checker/antivirus app?
- Player FM - My system is running hot and my battery draining faster than I'd like. Is it caused by Player FM?
- Player FM - Why aren't downloads working?
- Player FM - Why does Player FM keep running in the background?
- Player FM - Why did the app crash?
Other features
- Player FM - What voice commands are possible on Player FM?
- Player FM - Can I run the app from an SD card?
- Player FM - Why doesn't speed control work on Chromecast?
- Player FM - How do I resize the home screen widget?
- Player FM - Can I listen to podcasts with my Android watch without needing to connect it to my phone?
- Player FM - What apps/services does Player FM integrate with?
- Player FM - Why does playback stop when the phone is locked? (Huawei/Honor devices)
- Player FM - If the app reaches the last episode of a playlist, will playback stop?
- Player FM - I want to control Player FM from apps like Tasker and IFTTT. What Android intents are supported?
- Player FM - Why is the app using mobile data when my settings are all set to Wi-Fi?
- Player FM - How can I sync my Play Later list between several devices and the web?
- Player FM - The lock screen controls are limited. How can I see more controls?
- Player FM - Can I subscribe to YouTube series with Player FM?
- Player FM - Can subscriptions be organized into different categories?
- Player FM - How do I delete episodes?
- Player FM - The app subscribed me to a lot of podcasts I don't like, and it automatically downloads them
- Player FM - Does Player FM support private/premium/password-protected feeds?
- Player FM - How can I see a playlist with all episodes for my subscriptions?
Downloading and Offline Usage
- Player FM - How does the Queued tab work?
- Player FM - I want to support my favorite podcast. Do publishers get the metric of my view/download via your site?
- Player FM - Can I download a series' un-played episodes from oldest to newest?
- Player FM - How can I save podcasts in my SD card?
- Player FM - Can I keep the episodes in Play Later after playing them?
- Player FM - How can I configure which wi-fi networks Player FM is active on?